Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Elder Steenblik's 1st Area - Orlando

It's neat to have the Temple so close, as a matter of fact it's in my Zone. We get to go to the Temple once a quarter and boy do I look forward to that. From l to r my companion Elder Fowers, he's the greatest, me, Elders Willmore & Knowlton they are the Zone Leaders and our apartment mates.

Mission Map

My Room, the bat Papa sent me.

My 1st Baptism, Sis. Visenta Dumos, she's from Equador. My comp. Elder Fowers.

The 4 Amigos. Notice the matching Ties, Kymee sent. l to r Elders Willmore, Knowlton, me and Elder Fowers. Taken after Stake Conf.

Go Figure! What?

We went to Gatorland on our P day. The other Elders, as you can see, were trying to get in and wrestle with the Crocks. They tried to get me to join them, NO Thanks! They did feed them Hot Dogs and gators would jump up and take them.

At Transfer, my 1st. Elder Fowers is moving on and I am saying to train a greenie for the MTC. Now I have to put forth a greater effort, I now have to led out.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Our Sweet Sydnie???

Sydnie loves hats!!! The new thing that she does. I think she is trying to do a somersault, but I'm not sure.

Meet Nala

Our Christmas Tree

Our white tree! Saturday we went to put up the huge tree we have a had for a few years now and it was too tall for our ceilings. So, we had to buy an new one. We decided to go with something different, so we got this cheapy from Walmart. It works...I guess.

Snow Day!!!

Lance was especially excited when it started snowing last night. All he wanted to do today was play outside. Lance, Sydnie and I made a really cool snowman, but Lance destroyed him before I could take a picture. By the way this is Nala. The kids are having a lot of fun with her. She is a pit bull mix and the sweetest dog.

Sydnie loved the snow. She did not want to come in.

Syd got really excited when she discovered the you can eat the snow. She would pick up balls of snow, hold it up and say "nnoow" and then eat it. I had to watch her to make sure she didn't eat the yellow snow.

Monday, November 26, 2007

We missed you guys

It wasn't the same without you guys. We had Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday....had to wait for the chef to be able to cook.
Thanks for the Turkey thought Megan & Joe...... instead we had a chicken. Jacob must be in growth spurt mode, he downed 2 wings, 2 thighs and 1 leg--Wow!
We all went around the table and said what we are thankful for. Family was top of the list. Happy all were missed.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Megan & Joe's Hawaii Trip


These are a little late...but this is from our trip in September to Maui with Grams and Papa.

The day we got there Grams insisted that we go see the first LDS church on the islands. On the way, Papa got REALLY lost (He said it didn't qualify as lost because he never had to turn around). We got to see some really beautiful views and some really pretty flowers along the way.

Here we are at the church house...FINALLY!

Our favorite thing we did in Hawaii was take a day trip over to Lana'i to golf at The Experience at Koele.

This is Joe and I waiting for the ferry at the harbor in Lahaina...

...and here we are on the ferry.

The ferry ride on the way there was nice and smooth, but on the way back the captain said "we are probably going to have some choppy water so those of you sitting in the back out in the open might get a few sprinkles" Luckily on the way back we were a little late getting to the ferry so we could not get an outside seat, because the people who sat out there got DRENCHED! It was pretty funny to sit inside and watch them just get more and more wet!

Joe's CRAZY swing....on the AMAZING 17th hole!

Aren't Grams and Papa super cute?! Again...the AMAZING 17th Hole.

Needless to say we had a really great time...but how can you's HAWAII!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Here are some pictures from Mom & Dad's.

The delicious turkey!

I loved the centerpieces! Cranberries are my favorite!

(Sorry about the picture! I'm not sure if I was the problem or if something was wrong with the's a little blurry)

These rolls were amazing! And there were plenty to go around :o)

Everyone is smiling because the meal was sooooo good!

Porter, before eating the turkey...

and after.

We had a great time with everyone. How thankful we are to have a great family, close by, to share great memories with.

We ended the night with several games of Mexican Train and Catch Phrase.

Now that Thanksgiving is over, Christmas can come!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

LaVor got lip injections!

But not the plastic surgery kind. I got a phone call at about 11:00 this morning. It was LaVor telling me he was on his way to the hospital. He's pulled this a couple of times and it's been a joke so I thought he was yanking my chain once again. But he wasn't. He said he cut his lip open and would probably need stitches. When I got home, this is what I saw:

As you can see, the cut starts at the lip and goes all the way to his nose. He was working with a cutoff wheel when part of the blade broke off and got him. He said he was covered in blood and looked like he was "coming home from war". He did have to have stitches but they'll be out in a week. We knew he should have taken the day off :o) But we're very thankful (how appropriate...right before Thanksgiving) that the injury wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


When we take Saffron to the dog park the first thing she does is hop into the water tub. I'm pretty sure this tub is for the dogs to drink out of...but that doesn't seem to bother her!

Our Porter Puppy

Joe is doing a really good job of training Porter. He can sit, stay, lay down, roll over, and shake. We bought a dog bed for him that looks like a miniature couch and Joe has trained him to go lay on it when he says the word 'couch'. Jason, Thanks for the training book! Joe read it and it seems like it is helping a lot!
Porter is pretty much terrified of Saffy. Saffron doesn't pass that doorway (unless told), so Porter teases her and acts all tough as long as he is on one side of that doorway and Saffy is on the other. Otherwise, Porter just runs away from her (usually under the ottamon or behind the couch).
This is him the week we got him. He is MUCH bigger now (but mostly LONGER). I never thought we would be dog people...but WE HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE OUR PUPPY!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Family Pictures at the Lake

I don't know if you can tell, but we were all freezing. Hence Lance's lack of hands.

The Riley's Halloween

Abby, Lance and Sydnie ready to go trick or treating.

Family Pics